As an exhibitor you can showcase your products to those who visit your online profile. Adding products to your exhibitor profile greatly increases the likelihood of a reach-out from interested buyers. Follow this guide to manage your product catalogue.

Step 1:  Login using your username and password (either as a team member with admin privileges, or as the main exhibitor account)

Step 2: Go to "Product Catalogue" in the left-hand menu in your profile.

Step 3: Click on "Add Product"

Step 4: 

  1. Enter all the information related to the product: Name, Description
  2. Upload a product image --> By Clicking on Add Photo. You can upload up to 5 images and select which photo should be the main one by clicking the check mark when hovering over an image

  3. Add Categories --> These are categories to which product is associated. When selecting a category in the category tree, all parent categories will also be selected. 

    In the example above, the user selected the third level category "salted", which in turn also selects the parent category "almonds" and the corresponding parent category "Dried Fruits"
  4. Product Brands (optional) --> Select the "Brands" to which the Product is associated. Brands are selected from all globally available brands and may be shared across exhibitors and their products. 
  5. Add a video or embeddable object -> select either Embed Code, or Upload (video only). Paste the embed code you wish to show on the product page. Alternatively, select Upload and upload your video in mp4 format.

Step 4: Click "Save" 

After successfully adding the product, you can also mark the products as "Active" or "Inactive". Products that are marked as "Active" are showcased in your exhibitor profile at this event. Products that are marked as "Inactive" are not displayed, but can be re-used in the future (e.g. at another event). The number of products you can have active at any given time may be limited. 

The same can be done switching the toggle button: "ON" or "OFF" (As shown below)

There are separate tabs for "Active" & "Inactive" products which can be used to see currently active and in-active products. (As shown below)