Some or all of your meetings may take place online. Joining your online meeting is easy, requires no installations and no external software, and can be done from desktop or mobile. The online meeting rooms support video, audio, screen sharing, and live chat. 

An online meeting room can be joined only once the meeting has started. You can check when your online meeting will start by navigating to your calendar and finding the meeting. 

If the meeting has not yet started, you will see a countdown timer (weeks, days, hours, minutes) until the meeting begins. The Join Room button will remain disabled until the time for the meeting has arrived. When the countdown timer reaches zero, the button will become enabled for the duration of your meeting. Click Join Room to connect to your meeting room.

Alternatively, you may receive a push notification telling you can that you now join. You can join the meeting room by clicking the Join Room button in the notification.

Once you've clicked the Join button from anywhere, you will see the region selection screen. Select the region closest to you to ensure the best possible to connect to the service.

Next, you will see the staging screen where you can test your audio and video devices as shown below:

Upon confirming, you will enter the virtual meeting room

Please note that late-arriving participants won't be able to join after the meeting time has ended.

The meeting room will automatically shut down only after all participants have exited for five minutes, so don't worry if your meeting overruns a bit, you won't be kicked out!